7 Steps to Restore Your Energy


Are you tired of being tired?…

Everyone feels tired on occasion; especially after a busy week at work or a few late nights or poor sleep for whatever reason, but fatigue that regularly affects the functioning and quality of our lives seems to have become commonplace in society today. It’s suggested that at any given time in the UK, one in five adults feel ‘unusually tired’ and one in ten have ‘prolonged fatigue’. Increasing numbers of individuals are being diagnosed with illnesses in which often-debilitating fatigue plays a significant part. These diagnoses include Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Thyroid Disorders, more recently Long Covid and many more!

Whatever the cause of the fatigue there are some general, biological principles to bear in mind if you’re trying to regain – and keep – more energy! The principles involve giving the cells of your body what they need and looking after them in the best way possible, so that they, in turn, can function to the best of their ability and produce as much energy as possible for you to utilise in your life!

7 Steps to Restore Your Energy

This FREE e-book describes 7 key steps to increasing your energy levels and improving your health and wellbeing.

7 Steps to Restoring Your Energy - book mock up

Written by Dr Claire Bowen (BM BS, B.Med. Sci), in an easy to understand format, with practical tips and suggestions, 7 Steps to Restore Your Energy is based on The Optimum Health Jigsaw – a framework of Health and Wellbeing, especially useful for those recovering from a chronic illness.

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