Activated Oxygen Therapy

Breathe Health back into your Life…

Contact us today on +44(0) 1743 718 324 or email to begin your Activated Oxygen Therapy journey!

Innovated in the 1980s, Activated Oxygen Therapy is a powerful, natural method of enhancing your health and wellbeing, at a cellular level. Optimising energy production, detoxification and rebalancing the nervous system. Suitable for individuals, families and practitioners. Support from medically trained staff.


Activated Oxygen Options

Do you want to rent, or buy an Activated Oxygen Therapy machine? Perhaps you just want more information about this innovative natural therapy. Click on the links to find out answers to your questions, or call us on +44(0)1743 718 324.

Machine Rental

Affordable rental periods from 1 month to 12 months. Try before you buy, in the comfort of your own home.

Machine Purchase

Therapy Machines for every budget and clinical need. Free UK delivery. Explore the options.

Rent to Own

Extended payment plans available for some machines. Interest free. Simple terms and conditions.

Specialist Support

Medically trained staff with over 19 years’ experience. Tailored support with every rental and purchase.


Key Benefits

Improved Sleep Patterns

Optimised Stress Response

Antioxidant Effects

Enhanced Energy Production

Nervous System Harmonising

Wondering how Activated Oxygen Therapy can work for you?

Contact us today to speak with Dr Claire Bowen. Our medically trained AOT Specialist is keen to discuss how Activated Oxygen could benefit your health, your wellbeing and your life!

What IS Activated Oxygen Therapy?

Activated Oxygen Therapy (AOT) is a powerful natural treatment that can be used safely alongside any other medical treatment or medication.

AOT involves inhalation of activated or energised air to boost the body’s oxygen levels and kickstart cellular healing. Other names for this therapy are: ‘Energised Oxygen’, ‘Activated Air Therapy’, ‘Singlet Oxygen Energy’ and ‘Spirovital Therapy’.


Filtered room air is drawn into the Activation Chambers of the machine. Here, the Oxygen undergoes a chemical reaction, resulting in generation of a particular wavelength of energy. This now ‘Activated’ Oxygen is inhaled by the user, via comfortable nasal tubes. Once inside the body, the Activated Oxygen acts as a bioidentical signal. It’s special effects include improved oxygenation, a harmonised nervous system and enhanced cell repair and regeneration.

Vital Air - Science of Activated Oxygen Therapy

Happy Vital Air / Airnergy Rental Clients

“It’s amazing. It’s the best thing out there, as far as I’m concerned. This machine has saved my life.”

Alex giving feedback on vital air and airnergy results for his COPD.

Alex Murchison


“Within a few weeks, the improvement was miraculous! I have been able to sleep through the night and I’ve benefitted greatly from the machine.”

Liz gives feedback on her Vital Air for arthritis, COPD and sleep

Elizabeth Holmes


​“Love it! I’ve built up to half an hour a day on full strength and I feel lots of energy now. I can go out shopping and walk much further, without sitting down.”

Elsie Wilson - Activated Oxygen Therapy feedback on ME / CFS and Fibromyalgia.

Elsie Wilson


Send an enquiry...

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We aren’t permitted to publish results of Activated Oxygen  research studies or more personal ‘testimonials’ online.
If you’d like further information about the extent of this therapy’s effects and how it could be relevant to your personal circumstances, please contact us and we’ll be happy to chat and send you more info.

Medical Disclaimer

Firstly, please note that the information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Most importantly, all content contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Therefore, please ensure you never disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website.
Thank you.